Good to know

Do you need to straighten your teeth or fix an irregular bite?

The number of people with crooked teeth or an irregular bite is growing exponentially, both in Lithuania and across the rest of the globe. In Lithuania alone, an estimated 70% of the population have orthodontic problems, including tooth decay, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth, or crowded teeth. This has made over half of the population shy and afraid to smile. Statistically, around 40% of orthodontic issues are associated with poor chewing function and an irregular bite. This often results in pain during chewing, tooth wear, and more severe consequences and orthodontic complications further down the line. For this reason alone, beginning your orthodontic treatment early is crucial.

Orthodontic treatment focuses on correcting any irregularities in tooth positioning and tooth occlusion in both adults and children. In other words, the teeth are straightened and restored to the correct position. Transparent teeth straightening aligners, as offered by Ordoline, represent one of the most advanced and modern methods of orthodontic treatment for teeth straightening. This method allows the restoration of an irregular bite and solves any issues associated with irregular teeth in an invisible and convenient manner.

It is important to remember that orthodontic treatment is not exclusively for children. It can and should be applied to both adults and children who have issues with their teeth, and experiencing health problems and are unhappy with their smile as a result.

What are the causes of an irregular tooth position or bite?

A large proportion of the general public neglect the importance of their teeth and do not seek treatment at an early age. The risk of orthodontic anomalies increases with the treatment of deciduous teeth and their premature loss. Moreover, inflammatory processes around deciduous teeth affect the germs of permanent teeth, which can significantly interfere with their growth. Early loss of deciduous teeth is also important, which can interfere with the growth of the jaws.

Another cause of orthodontic problems is the irregular positioning of the tongue or its function, resulting in irregular swallowing. In addition, if a child breathes through their mouth for an extended period of time, their facial bones may not develop as they should, causing impaired growth of the lower jaw. This, in turn, narrows the upper jaw and exacerbates the development of an irregular occlusion.

Why is it necessary to treat an irregular tooth position or an irregular bite?

The masticatory muscles of a person with an irregular bite are subjected to an additional load, which causes wear and tear on the joints of the jaw. This can lead to pain in the muscles of the head, shoulders, back and neck. When the upper teeth converge unevenly with the lower teeth, the tooth humps wear out, and the teeth wear too quickly. In some cases, such as in the case of an open bite, the lips are open at rest and require effort to be closed. Patients who only have back teeth bite are prone to snoring and find it difficult to chew food. When orthodontic treatment is applied, it creates a solid and regular arch of the teeth, the bite becomes even, the teeth straightened, and the muscle tension decreases.

To determine exactly whether your dental position and bite are currently correct, visit an orthodontist who will examine your oral condition during the initial consultation, diagnose the orthodontic condition, and recommend treatment if necessary. There is no reason to worry that orthodontic treatment can only be performed by the traditional method – with the help of metal braces, which make most people refuse treatment altogether. At present, orthodontists can offer a modern and almost invisible way to straighten teeth – transparent teeth aligners, suitable for both adults and children (who have already erupted their permanent teeth).